Tag Archives: Standard 1.2

Candidates understand and can collect and use data to identify school goals, assess organizational effectiveness, and implement plans to achieve school goals.

School Improvement Plan update

Describe: My school improvement project targets intervention of struggling first graders in math. My efforts in the last month have mainly focused on trying to make a workable schedule, pin down the person who agreed to do the intervention, and prioritize students who should be receiving the intervention. I have also not heard anything about having the online tracking component funded from the grant I wrote.

Reflect: There is no block of time allocated to this project per se, so scheduling has been the main problem. I can’t change the overall schedule, but I could find small chunks of time to implement the project. However, finding specialists who will stick with that schedule has been a challenge. Honestly, I think I’ve been too flexible with the specialists involved in the project. What I’ve learned about myself as a leader from this project so far is that I’m going to have to spell everything out in order to make sure it happens. Instead of opening it up for specialists to drop in when they have some time, the schedule will have to be concrete.

Connect: The School Improvement Plan connects to Standard 2.1’s “collaborate with others.” I’m getting a real lesson in how to get others to do what you need them to do. It’s been a mixture of sweet talking and presenting data in order to motivate the interventionists to be involved. This job is not something I ever could do on my own, nor would it be as powerful an experience if I were. It also relates to Standard 1.2: organizational effectiveness and create school based strategic goals. For my future as a leader, I would say that this has been a great experience in how to collaborate with others to get things done. I have always believed that if something is important you will dedicate time to it. If I drop the ball, no one else swoops in to take over. It’s all me driving it forward at this point.

Data team meeting (required)

Describe: Our school data team met to review available 2nd quarter (Q2) data and check in with the principal for her upcoming Executive Leadership Cohort (ELC) meeting. We especially focused on the data for the tested grades. Our Q2 pass rates range from 80% for 2nd grade to 43% for 5th grade. In addition to the data discussion, I had just arrived from a county-wide math coach meeting, and had some pertinent information regarding testing I needed to share.

Reflect: At data meetings, I find myself thinking about how an effective leader surrounds herself with people whose opinions and insights she trusts. We had a very productive conversation about next steps after some grades’ poor Q2 scores. Although we all know that the main reason the scores were low was because we just missed seven instructional days due to snow, the focus was on what we can do next to show growth. I learned about myself as a leader that I can share difficult information with the school’s leadership team and not take it personally when the content is upsetting.

Connect: I tried to help the school-based team understand the thinking of the Math Department in the decisions I shared, and started the discussion about how we can best implement these changes at my school (Standard 1.2).

I also take a lesson from the data team experience in that good leaders don’t do everything or know every bit of information, but they are expert in choosing people who can help them process information (Standard 2.3). I think it helps all the leaders in a school to bring all the data to the table and discuss it together, including the principal. It is helpful in staying on top of the functioning of the school as well as preparing her for the ELC meeting. Going forward I will be aware of who I choose to help support my leadership, and how it influences my actions.

Gr. 2 Q2 indicator report The first attachment is the Q2 report of 2nd grade performance broken down by standard of learning (SOL) indicator. I make these reports up for each grade each quarter to use with the teams at professional learning community (PLC) meetings. They are also used for data team meetings.

Q2 Math 5 retake of key Q2 SOL This attachment is the data I prepared for the retesting of certain SOL that were missed by many students on the Q2. The principal requested that the grade 5 team follow up with the most missed SOL. She will take the evidence to the ELC meeting as part of our plan.